How important is the perfect delivery for an audition? Simply put, it can make or break the chances of getting the job. With a mound of auditions to get through, it’s easy to glance at the information, cut it and send it. This won’t get the job. It’s so important to take a breath, slow down and really read what the direction is for this particular audition. A good agent will work to get as much information as possible on what the client is looking for to help the voice actor land the job. It’s the actor’s responsibility to listen to the samples provided and/or the direction included in the materials. A generic read from the voice talent for every audition is a waste of the actor’s time as well as the agents and more importantly THE CLIENT! Agents will hopefully go back to the actor to ask for a better read or may not include the audition if it’s completely off the mark.
Having a versatile voice with infection of specific words, timing and variation on style is the mark of an excellent and well trained voice actor. These are the voice actors that make the big bucks by simply landing more jobs! Interestingly, I find that some of the newer talent does a better job deciphering and emulating what is being asked for while the more experienced actor is not taking the time to form their voice to the audition. I can’t express how important it is for an actor to stop and think about the project before taking the time to complete the audition.
If it’s the voice actor’s job to understand the direction and bring a really well done audition, it’s the client and agent’s job to bring as much information possible on what is required for that particular project. What’s not going to fly and get the read they want? “We want a female age 25-40”. What is this? Age is truly irrelevant. This could be anything. I try to do my best mind reading on a daily basis but this will leave me guessing and possibly supplying the wrong kind of talent for the auditions. What would be much more helpful would be “we are looking for a female with a young sound to sell a new clothing line targeted to women 21-34. We want a <a href=” Read Full,d.cGU”>Voice Talent like Jennifer Lawrence, a bit of grit that’s real and fun.” Now we’re talking! I know where to go with this bad boy! The talent will know exactly how to read for this audition and client is going to get a lot of really fabulous voice actor’s to choose from.
A combination of great direction and fabulous voice talent bringing just the right audition makes happy agents, actor and clients!
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