What a voice! Jessica’s voice is truly versatile and has been described by clients as “sophisticated approachability”. Her range is from smart and savvy, to upbeat and energetic, with anything in between. With an on-stage, on-camera and theatre background, she can mold her voice to any project. Jessica has a top-quality studio including Townsend Labs Sphere L22, Mac Mini, hard-wired internet, Adobe Audition and an Apollo Twin interface. Connection options span from ISDN, Source Connect, phone patch, Skype and Zoom. She’s well-suited for commercials, corporate, time- sync projects, explainer, elearning and more.
Project credits:
Dixie, NatureMade, Amazon, Exxon/Mobil, NBC Universal, GE, BCBS, Metamucil, Lincoln, Nespresso, WaterPik, Phillips Sonicare.
Turn Time: 8 hours
For more information on this actor, you can contact us at (888) 435-4234 or click on the link below and complete the Actor Request Form. An agent will respond to your request immediately!.